Optimizing AddInProcess.Exe: Reducing CPU, RAM, and Storage Usage

This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to prevent AddInProcess.exe from causing excessive heat and resource usage on both Windows 11 and 10 systems. AddInProcess.exe is a critical file located in the Windows folder within Microsoft.NET. While it serves an important function, it has unfortunately become a target for manipulation by hackers. In recent days, it has been observed that this file is being exploited to overutilize system resources, leading to detrimental effects on CPU, RAM, and hard disk space. The following guide aims to help users mitigate these issues and regain control over system performance by addressing the improper manipulation of AddInProcess.exe.
How to prevent AddInProcess exe high CPU/Memory and GPU usage
There are two recommended approaches to address this issue:
  1. Utilizing security software such as Bitdefender, Kaspersky, or Norton software.
  2. Deleting the AddInProcess.exe file.
Below are the steps to effectively remove the AddInProcess.exe file, thereby resolving high CPU, memory usage, and storage concerns.
How to prevent AddInProcess exe high CPU/Memory and GPU usage
Navigate to the following directory: C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v4.0.30319 Right-click on the folder and select ‘Properties’ to access the security settings. This step is necessary as, by default, users do not have permission to delete files within this folder. Adjusting the security settings to the user level enables the necessary permissions for file deletion.
How to prevent AddInProcess exe high CPU/Memory and GPU usage
  1. Go Advanced for granting user the permission to delete the file
How to fix AddInProcess.exe from heat-up CPU, RAM & Storage Usage
  1. Change the default permission to PC user
How to fix AddInProcess.exe from heat-up CPU, RAM & Storage Usage
  1. Type your PC user then click check name to assign it then place OK
How to prevent AddInProcess.exe from high CPU/RAM usage
  1. Now edit the permission by click edit
How to fix AddInProcess.exe from heat-up CPU, RAM & Storage Usage
  1. Tick all permission to delegate access to your user then apply it, press OK to all prompt boxes.
  2. At last, you have permission to delete the AddInProcess32, so delete it.
  3. Do also above steps to AddInProcess file on granting permission to user
  4. Open task manager and folder contain AddInProcess then do quickly stopping process and delete file because it is automatic running, done.
  5. Final, Install the best security software. Windows defender is currently unable to get this rid-off.
How to fix AddInProcess.exe from heat-up CPU, RAM & Storage Usage
Final Thoughts: You can prevent AddInProcess.exe high CPU, RAM & Storage by using best security software such as Bitdefender OR Kaspersky or Norton. Deleting the file is another way to solve the problem. Once the file deleted, new improved file will be restored on Windows update. Don’t forget to install a security software after deleting the file.

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